RSPP Patch Design Contest!
Calling all K-12 graders! Friends of the Rockefeller State Park Preserve is holding a contest to design a Rockefeller State Park Preserve patch.
Contest Entry Deadline: New Deadline! December 16, 2019
Eligibility: K-12 students attending public, private or home schools are eligible to enter. Winning entry will receive a NYS Empire Parking Pass and be featured in the spring 2020 issue of the Preserve Observer, the FRSPP biannual newsletter.
Design Requirements: Design should be simple and unique, and easily reproduced as a patch. The final produced patch will be approximately 3” on its longest edge. The patch shape (border) is an integral part of the design. Make sure to include the border in the design. Patches can be any shape. All designs must be original and not use art forms from other sources. The final design may be edited to meet vendor requirements.
Lettering: The following text must be included in the patch design: “Rockefeller State Park Preserve” & “NY”
Theme: The design should include RSPP components (i.e. Swan Lake, carriage roads, deer, horses etc.)
Medium: Drawing may be any medium (pencil, oil, pen and ink, chalk, crayon, computer graphics etc.) and can be color or black and white.
Entry Requirements: Entries can be submitted using this form, or a blank piece of paper 8.5x11 paper, but it must include student’s name, address, phone number, grade level and parent or guardian’s name.
One entry per student.
Mail entries to:
FRSPP Patch Contest
PO Box 8444
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
Or email to